Matthew Weier O’Phinney
The rise of Node.js has many developers interested in asynchronous web application development, as it allows offloading heavy processes in order to provide snappy responses to clients. How can you achieve this in PHP, particularly with Expressive? The Swoole extension to PHP gives us an async foundation; in this session, you’ll also learn how to code your middleware, handlers, and their dependencies so that they play well in an async environment, allowing you to leverage its scaling and performance benefits.
Matthew Weier O’Phinney is project lead for the Zend Framework project, including Apigility and Expressive. He also serves as a Core Committee member of the PHP Framework Interoperability Group, where he helps shepherd new community standards. Since 2005, Matthew has been speaking at PHP conferences worldwide, written hundreds of blog posts, participated in dozens of panels and podcasts, and, more often than not, continues to write PHP code most days. When not a keyboard, he can be found walking his dog, doing the odd carpentry project around the house, and drawing.