Date: March 05, 2011
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CDT
Day Camp 4 Developers: Soft Skills
Telecommuting, the holy grail for many developers. Not work from home but work from where you are; because after all, “Work is what you do, not where you go” Day Camp 4 Developers #2 is designed to help software developers understand telecommuting, what is involved, what tools are needed and how to talk to your boss about setting up a telecommuting program. Attendees will come away with practical knowledge and advice.

Could You Telecommute?
Lorna Jane Mitchell
Having worked entirely from home, both as a full time employee of a larger organisation, and as a self-employed consultant, there are a few things I’ve learned the hard way and I’d like to share them! So could telecommuting work for you? The answer depends on so many things; some are environmental, some depend on the business or organisation you work for, and some are about you as an individual. We’ll take a look at what can make or break your remote working experience, and some ideas for coping when the reality doesn’t live up to the promises.

The Well-Equipped Remote Worker
Avdi Grimm
Telework isn’t just another day at the office, except without the office. Dispersed teams have their own rhythms and dynamics, and successful remote workers draw on an array of tools to stay productive, motivated, and in sync with their team members. Based on real-world experience and interviews with dozens of remote workers, this talk will introduce you to some of the basic tools and practices you need to succeed as a remote developer.

The Business Case for Telecommuting
Ivo Jansch
In this talk, Ivo discusses the business case for telecommuting. If you are a manager: why is it imperative to consider telecommuting? If you are a developer: how can you convince your manager that not having your physical body present on a physical location does not mean you can’t be productive? Talent is scarce and using an artificial and unnecessary physical boundary when looking for talent will limit your options. After making the case for telecommuting, Ivo will also look at some of the downsides and pitfalls, and ways to overcome them.

Can I Work From Home Tomorrow?
Jack Ford
As a manager, I can tell you that’s the one question I hear the most. Join me as I discuss what it is you can do as a developer to get me to say “Yes!” Get some ideas on how to have that conversation and learn what it is your manager is going to expect from you and why they expect it.

Work/Life Balance
Ligaya Turmelle
Working from home can be “wonderful” for your job, but horrible for your family if the line between work and home gets “blurry”. You can suddenly find yourself working rather then interacting with the family since your office is your house and there is always that “one more thing” to do. My family and I fight this battle everyday. Talk with me as I discuss how we fight this battle, the weapons we use, and how we win some – and lose some.
There are many reasons why telecommuting is right for developers, increased productivity, environmental considerations, health and happiness, the list goes on. As more and more companies look at telecommuting, developers need to understand what is involved as well. Day Camp 4 Developers #2: Telecommuting will help you understand the benefits and risks involved in telecommuting along with practical advice on what tools you and your team need to master in order to successfully distribute your team geographically.
This one-day, technology agnostic, on-line conference will feature 5 sessions in a single track. You participate in this live conference from the comfort of your own home or office. (or anywhere you have internet connectivity) In addition, you will be able to download all of the sessions after the conference for off-line review.
Register today and reserve your seat. Class size is limited so don’t delay.