Here’s how you can help us out
If you like the idea of Day Camp 4 Developers, why not help us spread the word? (The alternative is that you are sitting in a virtual room all alone on Nov 6th. Since nobody wants that, work with us here.)- Tweet that you are attending. You know people that we don’t. They may not have heard about DC4D. Help us help them with their career. Tweet that you are attending and maybe they will get a clue.
- Blog about DC4D. No, not the 140 characters you are going to tweet about us. People (and by people I mean us) want to know what you hope to get out of DC4D. We aren’t going to change the lineup or sessions if you say you are looking for advanced lanyard making – the camp thing really is just a metaphor – but we are very interested in what you want to get in exchange for your time and money. Oh and make sure you tell us you blogged about DC4D so we can share it with others.
- Join our affiliate program. Who knows, one good blog post and you may earn back your ticket price plus enough for lunch. For more information, visit our Affiliates page.
- Wear you blog badge proudly Show that you are someone who takes their career development seriously, put the Day Camp 4 Developers #2: Telecommuting badge on your blog today.
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None of these things will cost you any money and all of them will help us get the word out.
Thanks again for being a Day Camper! We’ll see you at orientation.