Date: December 21, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM CDT
Let Us Help You Master PHP
See six of the best PHP conference sessions presented for you in a single live, on-line event, as Day Camp 4 Developers presents The PHP Master Series Volume 1.
The Best of the Best
We looked at the presentations from conferences in the last six months and picked out six of the best.

Designing Beautiful Software
Matthew Weier-O’Phinney
Software is a craft. Like any craft, the software we build can be either hastily put together with little love, or well crafted for longevity. Typically in software, we look at how extensible and maintainable a system may be in order to judge its quality.
In this session, we’ll take a practical example, and develop it from a quick one-liner into a re-usable component. Along the way, we’ll discuss the choices we make as developers, and how they affect both how we develop and the results we produce. The goal of the session is to inspire developers to create beautiful software.

Cryptography For The Average Developer
Anthony Ferrara
Every developer at one point or another needs to implement some form of cryptography in one of their applications. Whether it’s hashing passwords or encrypting sensitive user data, the security requirements are daunting. Yet you don’t need to be an expert in cryptography to implement it correctly. All you need to do is understand the basics, and trust the experts.
In this talk, we’ll take a look at some of the basic concepts of cryptography and how to implement them in PHP. Additionally, we’ll discuss the common problems that developers face and how best to solve them. Finally, we’ll dispel some of the myth and rumors around password hashing and how (and more importantly why) to do it properly.

Javascript Best Practices & BackboneJS for the PHP Developer
Ryan Weaver
Does your JavaScript code always end up inside one giant jQuery document ready function? Have you heard about Backbone.js but not sure what it means to you? In this talk, we’ll learn some basic ways that we can start organizing our JavaScript to be more readable and reusable. We’ll also explore the basics of Backbone.js, learn when it’s useful, and see what we can learn from it as we develop JavaScript in our applications. We’ll focus specifically on using Backbone.js with a PHP backend, how each works together, and the challenges of having two models and sharing templates.

Your code sucks, let’s fix it.
Rafael Dohms
How do you measure the quality of your code? Performance and testing are just one aspect of code, in order to meet deadlines and make maintenance quicker you also need your code to be readable, decoupled and generally easier to comprehend and work with. This talk will go over tips and exercises to help you identify trouble areas, refactor them and train you to write better code in future projects. Come make your code look and function better.
Building a Firehose
Ian Barber
More and more companies are realising they have a wealth of data available to them, or they have the opportunity to aggregate information from multiple sources in near real time. While big data and batch processing systems like Hadoop are part of the tool kit of many teams, more and more are realising that a continually updating system of pipes and filters – a fire hose – of their data is a powerful and flexible tool. In this talk we will look at the challenges of building this type of system, the patterns and techniques that can help simplify it, and the difficulties of managing such a system when it’s running.

From POX to HATEOAS, A Real Company’s Journey Building a RESTful API
Luke Stokes
We started in 2007 and soon after slapped together some XML and called it an API. As our company and customer base grew and third-party integrations emerged, the need for a true RESTful API became our next priority. This session will tell the inspiring, ongoing story of how an ecommerce platform for developers researched and developed a new API from scratch using as many RESTful principles as possible.
6 for $50
For $50, you get all six talks presented live. These are not pre-recorded talks, they are presented live. You also the recordings of the talks that you can review the sessions as often as you like.
Last day on Earth, or just the last work day of the year
Here’s the best news; we are presenting this on the most useless business day of the year, December 21st, 2012. it’s the last day of the work year for many people, it’s the last day of the Earth according to the Mayans. So whether it’s you last day at work for the year, or the last day of Earth, spend it with other developers talking shop at the PHP Master Series Volume 1.
Make us your holiday party!
Wait, we aren’t done. Is your office party on December 21st? drag a projector in, hook up your laptop and share PHP Master Series For $100 you can purchase an office party ticket. Have the cupcakes and egg-nog from the main office party sent over to you, and spend the time listening, learning, and discussing.
Join us
By purchasing a ticket for The PHP Master Series Vol 1, you get the content, you get the live interaction, and you can hang out with us in the IRC channel and heckle the speaker. All this for only $50 per person. Don’t wait. Whether you want to attend live, invite your team and have an office party, or just get the videos so you can watch them at your leisure, register today!